healthy life tips

9 Surprising Things that can Weaken the resistance of the body

We know that wash your hands often, vaccinations, enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet is an effective way to protect yourself against viruses and other germs. But, there might be that you don't realize that the other factors in life can also reduce your body's ability to protect itself.

9 Surprising Things that can Weaken the resistance of the body

How is Your stress level, how often do you drink alcohol, how active your life, even the air you breathe can also affect the immune system of the body.

A period of intense prolonged stress can affect the immune system, according to the National Cancer Institute.
9 Surprising Things that can Weaken the resistance of the body
9 Surprising Things that can Weaken the resistance of the body
Stress triggers the production of the hormone cortisol, which interferes with the function of T cells against infection, obvious John Spangler, m.d., a Professor of community and family medicine at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina.

Feeling lonely can damage your immune system, according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroimmunology in December 2014.

The research, done on rats, found that increased anxiety associated with lonelinesscauses stress on the immune system and cause damage to the body caused by free radicals.

Inactive lifestyle
Over time, too much sitting and avoiding exercise can affect the body's ability to fight off infection, said a study of 2012 January in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Regardless of age, gender, and other harmful habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, inactive lifestyle can lead to increased risk of premature death. Inactive lifestyle can lead to impaired immune system, inflammation, and other chronic diseases, the study warned. Schedule a 30-minute exercise routine into your daily routine.

Too many sports
Too much weight, or exercise overtraining syndrome, can weaken the body and i made it more vulnerable to infection, according to a review in Acta Clinica CroaticaDecember 2012.

But a study of 2014 shows that moderate physical activity can make Your vulnerability to the virus decreases.

Whether you smoke regular cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, still you are still exposed to nicotine, which can be detrimental to your immune system. Nicotine increases the levels of cortisol xan reduce formation of antibody-antigen response of B cells and T cells, explains Dr. Spangler.

Ultraviolet radiation
Rising levels of air pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer, creating ultraviolet (UV) radiation is increased. This could result in increased cases of skin cancer, cataracts, and weakened immune systems, according to the environmental protection agency (EPA).

Exposure to UV rays environment can also affect the cells that are responsible for triggering an immune response, increasing the risk of infection and possible lowering of defense against skin cancer, said the World Health Organization.

a diet high in saturated fats interfere with the immune system. Excessive salt and sugar also has a negative effect, according to a study in June 2014, published in Nutrition Journal.

Obesity affects the immune system by reducing the number and function of white blood cells needed to fight infection, according to reviews in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society may 2012.

The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics stressed that good nutrition is very important for a healthy immune system.

Even one time drinking alcohol excessively can reduce the response of the immune system to attack the pathogen of the disease, said Spangler.

"The main alcohol Metabolite acetaldehyde, namely the possibility of damaging the function of Cilia in the lungs, making the lungs more susceptible to invasion of bacteria and viruses," Spangler explains.

Alcohol also disrupts the process of the body against bacteria and viruses, so put those who abuse alcohol are at high risk of getting infected.

A sorrow sudden money or tragic can weaken your immune response, according to the National Institute of Mental Health or NIMH.

Losing a loved one, for example, can increase the production of chemical compounds on the nerves and hormones that increase the risk of virus infections, such as the flu, the Agency said.

Grief increases cortisol response and immune imbalance, according to a review published Dialogues in Clinical NeuroSciences.

Certain vaccines, including the flu, vaccination may be less effective for those who are in a time of profound loss, according to NIMH.
the articles in this blog are only for reference, not a definite knowledge of your health, if you have health problems, consult a doctor you trust.
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